getfiberlashed - The Weekly Reading 2021-09-27T10:10:42-04:00 getfiberlashed 2021-09-27T10:10:42-04:00 2021-09-27T10:10:42-04:00 BIENVENUE À LA SEMAINE DU 27 SEPTEMBRE, PAR CARDSY B DU PODCAST HEX AND THE CITY, PRÉSENTÉ PAR LOUVE Jillian Starkie Our card of the week: Ace of Swords. This card is ruled by the element of air so it has lots of Gemini, Aquarius, and (our guest of honour) Libra vibes in the Ace of Swords. Since the Aces are ruled by the magician, they hold the energy of new beginnings and truth.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

Our card of the week: Ace of Swords. This card is ruled by the element of air so it has lots of Gemini, Aquarius, and (our guest of honour) Libra vibes in the Ace of Swords. Since the Aces are ruled by the magician, they hold the energy of new beginnings and truth.

This week, Ace of Swords is also the card that reminds us of the power of intentionality and choice. It's a reminder that it's not about the thing we choose as much as it is about truly, authentically and unapologetically choosing our soul's truth versus choosing out of societal pressures, the desire to fit in or not to disappoint anyone. It's really about, are we choosing this for us, truly, or for something outside of ourselves?

I try to apply this to as many parts of my day as possible. It can be small things or big things, but as my friend Kim likes to say, if it's not 'hell yes!' then it's a 'no'. When we start to filter through that level of presence and intentionality, things become a lot more fun and a lot more rewarding.

The more clear we are with every choice we make versus defaulting to autopilot, the more we reclaim and remember our power. If you remember from last week, this creates a ripple effect of also empowering others when they see us do this.

This week it's a great time to work with the Ace of Swords and ask ourselves, am I doing this thing out of habit or obligation? Or do I genuinely want to do this thing or choose this choice? Where have I stalled myself from doing the thing or making the call this past month? Have I stalled out of old patterns, old programming? Procrastination avoiding potential conflict? And can I challenge myself to choose my choice and really stand behind it this week? Or at least take steps towards beginning to choose my choice?

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-09-20T09:46:12-04:00 2021-09-20T09:46:12-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 20 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Our card of the week: Seven of swords. Astrologically, this card is ruled by the moon and Aquarius so when we break down the astrology of that, the interaction of the fixed air sign with the moon, often indicates the ability to discern things objectively, without being swayed by emotions.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

Our card of the week: Seven of swords. This is going to require some strategizing. In the original Smith Rider-Waite Tarot deck, this card shows a man carrying five swords, and he's clumping them all together. He's looking back at the two swords behind him, almost like he wished he could have scooped them all up, but he was only able to carry five swords. But he's still carrying the majority — five out of seven is still good odds. A lot of people read this card and think it can indicate deception or envy, which it absolutely can, but more than anything, the "7" cards are ruled by the chariot so Seven of Swords actually indicates a strategic victory.

Astrologically, this card is ruled by the moon and Aquarius so when we break down the astrology of that, the interaction of the fixed air sign with the moon, often indicates the ability to discern things objectively, without being swayed by emotions. Though it can give off the essence of being cool and aloof, it usually results in a clear-headed response.

I think this card is often mistaken as a negative card because it can be perceived as someone doing something shady but that's not necessarily the case. It's usually self-prioritization with a cool, calm ahead versus an overly emotional ruling. The swords tend to be the mind intellects - very cool, calm and collected.

This week may bring in the need to make a decision or forge a new path and Seven of Swords is really asking us to be discerning, to be strategic and also to remove the weights of outside opinions, expectations and pressures. This will likely reveal itself through a personal or work scenario where it's impossible to make everyone happy. The Seven of Swords is teaching us that we can't win it all here and that can be understood by looking at the original card illustration where he's carrying five swords instead of seven, he just can't have it all.

It's really calling us to listen to our energy and take the course of action that we're being intuitively guided towards and it feels like it's in our highest good to do so. A lot of times, the Seven of Swords causes us to feel that pull between an obligation or outside pressure and what we genuinely want to do or what we feel called to do. It creates that dilemma of: is it better to let ourselves down or to let someone from the outside world down? This could be a friend, a family member, or a boss for example. I'm a strong believer that when we learn to prioritize ourselves, it actually benefits the balance of those relationships being affected. There may be initial pushback, but it recalibrates the the fair, energetic exchange and the flow of the relationship when we start to prioritize ourselves in a genuine way.

The thing is, the Seven of Swords challenges us to become as comfortable saying no to others as we are saying no to ourselves. It pushes us to trust our inner voice and choose ourselves this week, not just for our highest good, but also to set an example for others around us. Not only does it help us, but it really sends a ripple effect out to the collective when we choose what is in our highest good and trust our intuition.

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-09-13T10:11:41-04:00 2021-09-13T10:11:41-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 13 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Our card of the week: Two of Swords. We're all dealing with a lot of juggling, recalibrating and balance. This week, the Two of Swords is ruled by the moon and Libra—it's about denoting that balance in Libra through the inner knowing of the moon.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

Our card of the week: Two of Swords. We're all dealing with a lot of juggling, recalibrating and balance. This week, the Two of Swords is ruled by the moon and Libra—it's about denoting that balance in Libra through the inner knowing of the moon.

In the traditional Smith Rider Waite deck, this card shows a blindfolded woman with her arms crossed out in front of her and she's holding a sword in each hand. This card is often seen as a crossroad of sorts, but one without a clear black or white answer.

The Two of Swords is the card that challenges the idea of mutual exclusion. This card often comes when a compromise can be successfully made or there might be two alluring, but seemingly opposing options. We find out that aspects of both are actually able to be utilized, but accessing the right solution to this crossroads requires not just the intellect (think about the air element of the swords and the weighing and balance of its Libra ruling), but the placement of the moon also comes into this, our inner guidance system. Think of a bright moon lighting up your path when you are walking in the dark at night!

When we look at the traditional card, we see the blindfold on the woman that needs to be removed for us to see a solution that we may have glossed over. Oftentimes, this so-called blind-programmed-thinking leads us down a path of "this or that", "right-brain versus left-brain" or "I can either have passion or I can have money and stability". The Two of Swords comes in and tells us both might in fact be possible. How does this apply to your own life this week?

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-09-07T12:08:12-04:00 2021-09-07T12:13:45-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Our card of the week: Two of Pentacles, but reversed. The Two of Pentacles - first of all - is ruled by Jupiter and Capricorn which really asks us to find the expansion. Jupiter is the planet of expansion through discipline and Capricorn is known for being very disciplined, very hardworking. But mind you, we have the reversal at play here.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

Our card of the week: Two of Pentacles, but reversed. The Two of Pentacles - first of all - is ruled by Jupiter and Capricorn which really asks us to find the expansion. Jupiter is the planet of expansion through discipline and Capricorn is known for being very disciplined, very hardworking. But mind you, we have the reversal at play here.

This week might start out feeling a little bit out of balance. Perhaps we bit off more than we could chew in terms of big goals or ambitions with the New Moon in Virgo. This could come in the form of taking on too many personal or professional commitments this week. It could also point to over-investing in one area by getting serious about success with a work project. Maybe we're not sleeping enough or we're skipping meals to get things done.

The biggest lesson with Two of Pentacles reversed is being kind to ourselves and observing the overwhelm as a lesson to be kinder to the future you. Here are some good things to consider:

  1. If you're feeling overwhelmed, what can we reschedule or reprioritize for later in the month?
  2. Are you usually a "forcer" or a "procrastinator" in moments of imbalance?

Let's get into the second point a little bit further. Being a forcer or a procrastinator can change from situation to situation, but many of us find ourselves on one side of the scale. Forcers, like myself, tend to power through because they said they would, they made a commitment. And though they may win by completing the task, they often lose in terms of energy drain, physical depletion and resentment. Procrastinators are on the other end of the spectrum - they tend to find lots of reasons why now is not the time to start the thing they had previously committed to as a goal.

After you've identified which camp you find yourself in (and again, this can change from situation to situation), I like to use the Two of Pentacles as a reversal spell, meaning that you can take this as a sign to challenge yourself to do the opposite.

For example, because I'm a forcer, the kind of non-default mode for me is often positive. Moving a meeting back or rescheduling something can make me very uncomfortable but it can actually be exactly what self-care looks like at certain times, especially during times of overwhelm. For procrastinators, self-love can often look like gently hyping ourselves up to power through the thing you would usually avoid or delay either way.

It just means we have a lot coming through for us this week, which inevitably means lots of opportunities, prosperity, growth, and success. The question is, how do we best manage all of this? What is the best way to promote self-care for ourselves? Take the Two of Pentacles (reversed) as an opportunity for a kind of "opposite day" reversal spell to get through the week ahead.

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-08-30T09:54:02-04:00 2021-08-30T14:01:31-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 30 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Our card of the week is Two of Wands. First of all, this card really requires us to make choices, utilizing our intuition in a very tuned-in, almost neutral-zero-point way. 



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

Our card of the week is Two of Wands. First of all, this card really requires us to make choices, utilizing our intuition in a very tuned-in, almost neutral-zero-point way. Two of Wands is ruled by Mars and Aries, so there may be a little disruption this week. Not to be too fear-inducing, it could just be related to that Ten of Swords energy that we're also working with, where we're being called to exit or quit something. We may find ourselves at a fork in the road between two options and we're trying to decide which way we want to proceed.

In the traditional Smith Rider Waite tarot deck, we see this guy on a riverbank and he has a globe in his right hand, one wand in his left hand and another wand off to the side. It's almost like the globe in his right hand represents the divine masculine of what he's putting out to the world and he is ready to do it. In his left hand, you'll see one of two wands and that is anchoring him into what he's done up until now.

The Two of Wands follows the fiery inspiration of Ace of Wands so we have most likely felt a spark that is calling us towards a new direction. This spark (and this element of fire) represents something we want, and that is key.

If you find yourself torn between two options, two things, two people, two ways to move forward this week, one of the options is going to feel safer and one is going to feel more exciting. With the latter, there are likely some unknown elements, greater perceived risks, maybe even challenges. But at the end of the day, we have to listen to the spark.

I know a lot of us are at personal and professional crossroads right now and in so many ways we've been trained and ingrained to listen to our ego-self and "play it safe". With the Two of Wands, neither option is a bad one — The first option is probably what you're already doing and is very predictable whereas the other option is one that seems really intriguing.

This week, we're going to be pushed to ask ourselves two questions: "what are the things that we have wanted to start but might have held back from"? And also, "what can we release in order to move forward with less resistance"? Especially with the waning moon cycle, it's a powerful time to examine that.

When we're presented with a crossroads, where is the fire? Where's the excitement and passion? Remember, the greatest opportunities and rewards are going to lie at that fork in the road.

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-08-23T11:09:24-04:00 2021-08-24T15:50:20-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 23 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie This week, our card is the Queen of Pentacles. Elementally, Queens are ruled by water and Pentacles by earth. This results in nurturing and grounding energies that are going to be provided this week.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

This week, our card is the Queen of Pentacles. Elementally, Queens are ruled by water and Pentacles by earth. This results in nurturing and grounding energies that are going to be provided this week. When we look at the Queen of Pentacles, she's very clearly confident. She is settled very comfortably in this beautiful throne of hers and it's because she's worked hard to achieve that.

She is deserving and she is worthy. She built her throne and created this luxurious environment for herself and for others, for her kingdom, for her people. The Queen of Pentacles represents prosperity and security, but also the ways in which we can create.

It's about establishing a comfortable lifestyle that we feel worthy of. As we gear up to head back to school and back to work in the coming weeks, what does it look like for us to hit the ground running? And for those of us who are self-employed, entrepreneurs, artists, or creators, what are you on the cusp of creating? I think a lot of us are really going to feel activated in Virgo season to put pen to paper, so to speak.

So often when we go into these kinds of transitions - and moving from Leo into Virgo is a big one - we start to look at new intentions to be healthier and more successful. We recognize the patterns and behaviours we see in ourselves. What habits do we want to establish for ourselves? Is it more sleep? Is it better care of our bodies, nutritionally? Getting more activity? Is it intentional rituals? Is it more meditation? And as the sun is now moving into Virgo, that hard-working earth sign, what is our relationship to outputting energy, versus receiving energy in?

The Queen of Pentacles really asks us to give gratitude to sources we're receiving from, but also look at where can we open more. Where has receiving been an area of challenge? Let's try to pinpoint the instances where we are saying "no". Is someone offering to grab you a coffee, pick up the tab and you're quick to say, "no, I've got it"? Or is someone offering to help, and you say, "no, never mind. I can do that"? Where can we let ourselves be open to receiving?

In addition to opening that reception from others around us, the Queen of Pentacles also asks us, "where are we generous with ourselves versus where are we restrictive"? And I feel like we all have those certain areas, right? We can be very generous with ourselves and splurge, whereas there are times where we can be super cheap. The Queen of Pentacles asks us to take an honest look at these things. Sometimes the types of things we may be denying ourselves from are those that could actually provide a lot of healing if we would allow ourselves to indulge in them. The Queen of Pentacles teaches us this in a really beautiful way.

Similarly, if you're feeling stuck or your creativity is becoming stagnant, yes- it can be uncomfortable, but it's so freeing to just let it melt away. At the end of the day, to be a queen, we have to be willing to treat ourselves like a queen, first.

The other integral message from the Queen of Pentacles is defining and setting up what a throne means to you. What is your definition of luxury? This is unique for each and every one of us. The Queen of Pentacles asks us to define this authentically and honestly for ourselves and not by other people's standards. What does your throne look like? What does it feel like? Create a throne that truly fits and can be sustainably and consistently supportive for you. This week allows us to look at some of these questions and examine them so that we can set ourselves up for maximum success this Virgo season.

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-08-16T09:44:47-04:00 2021-08-24T15:41:15-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 16 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie This week, our card is the Queen of Swords. We are not messing around this week! The Queen of Swords is ruled by the elements of water and air because Queens are ruled by water and swords are ruled by the element of air. There's a lot of forward motion in this card, as both water and air are always flowing and push each other forward.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

This week, our card is the Queen of Swords. We are not messing around this week! The Queen of Swords is ruled by the elements of water and air because Queens are ruled by water and swords are ruled by the element of air. There's a lot of forward motion in this card, as both water and air are always flowing and push each other forward.

I often refer to this card as the Justice card's little sister, because they do have some overlap. They both have that ability to speak their truth, but whereas Justice is more about balance and boundaries, the Queen of Swords focuses on decisiveness and discernment.

I illustrated the Queen of Swords card as the infamous Judge Judy within my deck, Badass Bitches Tarot, because she's very clear and concise and her decisions are decisive. The forward motion brought on by air and water has the ability to move one another. This week is likely going to bring in a situation that requires us to unapologetically stand in our truth and speak our truth.

The Queen of Swords can get a bad reputation for being the cold or emotionless Queen of the Tarot. I actually find there's a lot of care and heart in this card. She does have the element of water and with that, comes a kind of motherly, nurturing vibe at the core.

When it comes to delivering decisions swiftly and efficiently when we talk about the element of air, it's often kinder to just rip off the band-aid than it is to painstakingly rip out every little hair from its follicle. It's no lie she can be abrupt but her swift and efficient motions make for a clean delivery.

The Queen of Swords also gives us permission to walk away from something that we feel we shouldn't have to. In large part, this is because we've been trained to do things a certain way. It could like look a project that no longer resonates even if we thought we would see it through, or a client that is no longer aligned and we don't want to renew despite a long-standing relationship. This can very much apply to friendships and romantic relationships as well.

Many of us have been taught to always finish what we start, whether it's a book, a movie or a project; but let's face it, sometimes we start something and intuitively we know it's not going to be enjoyable for us to finish.

The Queen of Swords teaches us that if we just aren't feeling it, it's time to move on — she's all about the "thank you, next" vibes. Take this as permission to clearly and authentically speak your truth and walk away from things that aren't resonating.

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-08-09T08:24:49-04:00 2021-08-09T08:24:49-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 9 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie This week, our card is the Six of Wands. I love this card. This comes at perfect timing for the middle of Leo season as well. It's ruled by Jupiter in Leo, and the Jupiter energy signifies celebratory, confident recognition.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

This week, our card is the Six of Wands. I love this card. This comes at perfect timing for the middle of Leo season as well. It's ruled by Jupiter in Leo, and the Jupiter energy signifies celebratory, confident recognition. This card comes in to remind us that we need to celebrate ourselves, especially after a long battle we have endured. The battle could be personal, related to family and friends, or work stress and conflict.

This week will likely offer positive news in the form of recognition or support. Career wise, this could look like amazing feedback from a project you’ve completed, or news of a raise or promotion.

In personal relationships, this recognition could come in the form of truly feeling seen and appreciated by a partner or loved one who you may have been feeling took you for granted, or who you weren’t seeing eye to eye with in certain situations.

The Six of Wands is here to empower us and give us a moment of acknowledgement, reminding us of the support we are surrounded by.

See you next week; and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-08-03T14:10:33-04:00 2021-08-03T14:10:33-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 2 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Welcome back to your weekly reading! This week, our card is the Eight of Cups. This card is very bittersweet, as it represents a lot of beauty, while simultaneously presenting a lot of challenges. 



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

This week, our card is the Eight of Cups. This card is very bittersweet, as it represents a lot of beauty, while simultaneously presenting a lot of challenges. The Eight of Cups requires us to tap into our intrinsic strength - ruled by Saturn and Pisces, this card represents our need to walk away from something that is not so cut and dry. While it may not be easy, it is necessary.

This can involve walking away from a relationship that you've outgrown. Even if you've had some really beautiful memories and that person has taught you a lot, consider it your time to exit gracefully. It can also point to leaving a job that you've come to see as not your sole purpose, but you worked with some really awesome people and formed friendships.

The challenge in Eight of Cups comes from the Pisces energy. This represents the pull on our heartstrings.

We often get caught up in the traditional imagery of the Eight of Cups, of this man walking away from a pile of cups, he's looking really somber and kind of sad. Yes, while it's undeniably a bittersweet passage, I think it is really overlooked. The energy of the Eight of Cups is where we can offer gratitude for our experiences.

It can be tempting to move on from our relationships or jobs without appreciation, but take the time this week to reflect upon what you are grateful for and what you have learned from these situations.

See you next week; and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-07-26T08:27:55-04:00 2021-07-26T08:28:31-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 26 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

This week, our card of the week is Justice. This card is also being drawn from my Ruth Bader Ginsburg deck, a trailblazer for women’s justice. This card is ruled by Libra, so it’s all about the element of air and balance. On this card, the OG Smith Rider sits on a throne between two pillars. These two pillars represent the balance between truth and logic on one hand, with intuition and discernment on the other.

Think about the balance of inner knowing and intuitive knowing and discern. This week, we are challenged with striking a balance between our analytical and intuitive mind, and utilizing that discernment to set necessary boundaries.

Many of us are so used to prioritizing the comfort of others above our own soul truth and happiness, that the Justice card's energy can feel challenging. The truth is going to come at us with Justice because when we're used to skating over things and not dealing with them head-on, Justice can come up and be a little bit in your face.

This is a process, and especially like I said, when we're used to prioritizing others over ourselves, Justice can challenge us. So instead of making up an excuse as to why you can’t attend an event, consider answering honestly. That truth just feels so much lighter.

Though this can feel drastic, especially when we've been used to people-pleasing for years, if not decades, Justice really asks us, would you want someone to show up out of guilt or obligation for you? And if the answer is no, I think that's some really clear guidance for you. There's no need to show up out of guilt or obligation for someone else.

It can feel really weird when we first start to implement this, igniting the anxiety of “am I going to lose friends? Will people stop inviting me to places?” But the crazy thing that happens is you actually become the VIP club. Since you respect your time and energy so much, so do the people around you, and the guilt and pressure to attend things go away.

Be wary of the people who are triggered by you setting boundaries. Oftentimes, these people are the ones you need to establish boundaries with the most in your life.

See you next week, and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-07-19T08:00:01-04:00 2021-07-23T13:10:17-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 19 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Welcome back to your weekly reading! Our card of the week is the Reverse Devil. If you are going to get the devil card, the reversed one is the best to get. The devil can be a challenging card for all of us, it signifies self-sabotage and temptation.



Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

Our card of the week is the Reverse Devil. This has been an interesting couple of weeks considering last week we had the Five of Cups reversed and this week we have the Reverse Devil. However, the key here is that both cards are showing up reversed.

If you are going to get the Devil card, the reversed one is the best to get. The Devil can be a challenging card for all of us as it signifies self-sabotage and temptation. If you are a Fire sign, the Devil card is even tougher because we are decadent and hedonistic, and the Devil really is the epitome of temptation.

The Devil is a challenging teacher. Think of that mean professor that made you re-evaluate your self-sabotaging habits; they could be brutal, and you probably hated them at times, but at the end of the day you undeniably learned a lot from them.

The reversal of the Devil indicates that we know what our triggers are, we know what our areas of self-sabotage are. For some of us it can be substance, a few glasses of wine with dinner, a joint in the evening that numbs away the unpleasant feelings about our work and life situations and instead of having to look at how we can actually change our circumstances.

For others, it can be people pleasing to avoid conflict in a relationship or friendship instead of reevaluating how we feel and if these relationships are suiting our needs and filling up our cups.

Sure, people pleasing can be easier than standing in our truths, but the Devil is here to remind us that facing these issues head on will nip the vices we distract ourselves with in the bud, and free us. We can unshackle ourselves at any point, we just have to find the strength within ourselves to step into the light and free ourselves from the energy of the devil.

This week; be attuned to the signs that you may be numbing away a difficult conversation, an unhappy relationship or friendship, or the need to constantly seek approval from others.

It is only when we recognize these signs and behavioural patterns in ourselves that we can work to correct them and push the devil off our backs.

See you next week; and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!

]]> 2021-07-12T08:39:32-04:00 2021-07-23T13:13:23-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 12 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

This week, our card of the week is the Five of Cups, but reversed. When we look at the OG Smith Rider-Waite card of Five of Cups, the image here is this sad looking guy in this dark cloak, just staring down at these three empty cups spilled in front of him. However, he’s not acknowledging the two full cups behind him.

Yes, the spill is undeniable, but perspective, to me, is the most important element of the Five of Cups, because the card is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and destruction, in the deep water sign of Scorpio. So Mars and Scorpio, to me, are asking, what are the lessons and the losses?

What are the lessons in the transformation? I always say to clients, in terms of the energy of Five of Cups, what if the cups that are spilled are cheap, bad quality table wine? But what if the two glasses full behind the character in Five of Cups is Dom Perignon or Veuve Clicquot, the best champagne or wine you could imagine.

So the reversal of five of cups which luckily is what we're working with this week, suggests that, yes, we may have recently suffered a delay, a loss, a setback of some sort, but now we're able to see the bigger perspective as to not only what happened more clearly, but why it happened.

This could point to a relationship that's recently ended, a job that you've left, or a home or a geographic location that you're moving out of. So though Mars and Scorpio are far from a tranquil energy, seeing the lessons and the loss, and being able to give gratitude to what you still have, what you may have even gained in the process, are one of the most empowering parts of transformation.

One of the most empowering elements of Five of Cups reversed: if someone or something has exited our lives recently, chances are, even if it felt unexpected or sudden in ways, intuitively it probably wasn’t feeling aligned for a while now. When you're in those jobs, you're in those relationships, and boom, you lose your job or your partner breaks up with you, was it really all rainbows and smiles leading up to that point? Chances are, it wasn’t. The Five of Cups reminds us that whatever it is that has recently departed has left, it probably wasn't wasn't feeling good for a while. It was probably giving you a little bit of that hangover from the cheap wine that was in those cups.

And now the most important part of this week's energy and the reversal of Five of Cups is what is that spill? What is that exit making room for? What can we now give more attention to? Where can we put our effort and our love this week?

The Five of Cups reminds us that the power that comes with the change, that comes with the transformation, the milestones and life lessons, will come to us when we're fully willing and open to embracing the transformation.

See you next week; and don’t forget to tune in to this week’s episode of Hex and the City, brought to you by Louve, available on Apple and Spotify!]]> 2021-07-05T13:04:01-04:00 2021-07-23T13:13:17-04:00 ENERGY READING FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 5 BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Welcome back to your weekly reading! For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic.

Let’s look at our card of the week - what does the collective needs to know for the upcoming week of July 5th? I pulled the Six of Swords. This is a great card for being in a waning moon cycle, actually this week and with the New Moon on Friday as it's all about transition, change and letting go of old baggage, much like the Six of Swords. This card is ruled by Mercury and Aquarius, which often means expression. 

That brings in expansive energy, but not necessarily without challenge. When we look at the imagery in traditional tarot decks, the Six of Swords shows a woman and a child huddled on a boat, carrying six swords, with a man on the back of the boat behind. One thing that always grabs my attention with this card is the water. There's kind of this choppy water on the front, the near side of the card where they're rowing away from. And there are these smooth waters in the horizon. And it seems to show that this week, we're leaving behind a challenging situation to go into a more peaceful harmonious future. The sorts in the boat also represent mental anguish that we can carry around with us. 

This could be around a current transition. As we're talking about the waning moon cycle, moving into the New Moon in Cancer, even if your heart knows what's right, and where you're headed, your mind can be doing that analysis paralysis game, where our ego is feeding those old limiting beliefs into our brains. Six of Swords is here to remind us that it's safe to drop off old, emotional and mental baggage and limiting beliefs in order to transition to the next destination of our journey. So, this is so close. We can almost see it on the horizon this week. For some of us as well, this week may bring a trip or change of scenery in some way as this card indicates a journey that can be of the body and or of the mind. But if you have a trip planned, do pay attention to meaningful conversations that occur on this, and as we see in the two passengers on the boat on the original Tarot deck, the Six of Wands card, they have this man rowing them to safety. So you're likely going to find that conversation that will really show that you have more support than you may have realized.

 In my own Badass Bitches Tarot deck, I drew the Six of Wands as Alanis Morissette, because

after a powerful journey that was both physical as well as a healing journey of the soul, Alanis has become such a champion for self-care and healing. She even produced a documentary which dives into what it's like to be a highly sensitive person and her journey of healing.

The Six of Wands card basically encourages us to find balance and releasing old mental stories and blocks to move forward, lighter and freer from an emotional and energetic standpoint this week.

I hope that that was helpful and I hope you all have a fantastic New Moon in Cancer this Friday, and as always, stay magical AF!

For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify.

]]> 2021-07-05T12:54:05-04:00 2021-07-23T13:13:09-04:00 WELCOME TO JULY ENERGY, A READING BY CARDSY B FROM THE HEX AND THE CITY PODCAST, PRESENTED BY LOUVE Jillian Starkie Hi! I’m Cardsy B and I am very excited to kick off this new series of readings brought to you every Monday on Louve’s blog and social media! To learn more about me and my Tarot practice, as well as for more energy insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify. You can also follow me on Instagram for more magic!

We have the upcoming New Moon in Cancer this Friday, July 9th at 9:17 PM Eastern. I always look at the New Moon as kind of the heart of that astrological season, and in this case, it’s in Cancer. So as we remain in a waning moon period this week, moving up to Friday, meaning that the moon's light is appearing smaller and smaller. This is basically a great period for release. Cancer rules the astrological fourth house of home and family, which means it’s a good week to ask ourselves what feels like home and what are the things that no longer feel supportive, nurturing, and aligned in those areas. As we prepare to begin exiting or transforming them as we move out of the waning moon cycle and into the New Moon in Cancer.

This New Moon supercharges people's intuition and desire for alignment in the fourth house. So going back to this month's card combo, if you listen to the monthly overview from last month on the Hex and the City podcast, this coming week we're likely to see a lot of movement towards big changes that will take place between now and the early fall, September through early October.

For some of us, these might be geographic moves, exiting jobs or relationships in order to move into a much more aligned Cancerian shell. This week, look at signs and clues from the universe that may give indication of what we're being guided to exit in order to receive an upgraded version between now and early fall.

And we look at our July cards, starting with the moon-ruled High Priestess. She's the one that's known as the “psychic” of the deck, the most intuitive card in the tarot with the ability to sit between the light and the dark, therefore having access to everything kind of behind that veil. You can look at this as light and shadow conscious and unconscious ego and higher self.

The High Priestess teaches us that we have access to view all without attaching to either. And how do we come into that place of the observer? It's always been interesting to me that the imagery of this card on traditional tarot decks shows the High Priestess sitting between a black pillar and a white pit. But the energy of the High Priestess is quite the opposite of black and white thinking. It's moving past the polarity, but embracing the nuances in between instead. And that can be a hard place to find when we've been so ingrained with so much polarity and division. 

Our second card for the month is the cancer-ruled Chariot. The Chariot and High Priestess combo is so powerful because once we come into the unveiling of truths and then how that knowledge is leading us forward from the High Priestess, the Chariot comes in with that determination and energetic willpower to successfully move us forward.

If I had to provide a terrible equation for the law of attraction, I would say a High Priestess plus Chariot equals the sun because they feel like manifesting in the law of attraction historically. It’s time to put a lot of emphasis on asking the universe for what you want. It's exactly like ‘ask and you will receive’. July is a great month to capitalize on the energy of the Chariot’s “inspired action”. Many of us, myself included have been experiencing big waves of lethargy and apathy throughout May and June, but the Chariot is ushering in a lot of that much needed energy and inspiration. It’s a great time to start or even resume projects that you may have put down. It's also a powerful time to begin strategizing for changes or upgrades that we're planning for ourselves between now and the fall.

Our third card of the month, pulled during the annual 2021 collective overview (you can listen on our first episode of the year on the podcast) is Seven of Wands, which is ruled by Mars and Leo. I always look at this as a card of perseverance through confidence. There's also an element of strategy and working with the universal time. For example, I have some clients who are in this right now, where they have realized they are not in their soul’s work career-wise and they want to exit. They’re like ‘I wish I could leave yesterday’, but because of financial reasons or even obligations and deadlines within their career they're signed up to complete, the change can’t be this immediate. Even if we've had a sudden awakening to move forward and the energy of the seven major Arcana, the chariot and the seven cards, the seven of Wands reminds us to find a path that is strategic and sustainable.

Try to work through this energy as you navigate what July brings up, and catch our first weekly reading for more specifics for the week of July 5th! And as always, stay magical AF.

For more insights, tune in to the Hex and the City podcast, presented by Louve, airing weekly on the podcast platform of your choice, including Apple and Spotify.
